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"Workshop - Collaboration: "Rainbow Fashion" & "Herta Müller Word - Collages"

in the frame of the current exhibition: smart rainbow 7.0" system and the 1150 Bezirksfestwochen.

WHEN: Saturday, 25.05. 2024, 2pm-6pm
WHERE: Fabrikraum, Johnstraße 25-27, 1150 Wien

Come and enjoy an interweaving workshop experience of liquid colors and (possibly "smart rainbow 7.0 (system)" - words on your textile and/or collage!

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"Rainbow Fashion" - liquid identities: "which color matches my mood of today?"

Bring one of your own white/light (washed) cotton textile/clothing you would like to dye in one (or more) of the seven rainbow colors matching "your color/mood" of today enjoying the power of collective DIY color diversity.

#slow (dyeing) fashion #upcycling textile #community building #collective growing installation (clothesline) #diy color diversity power

"Herta Müller Wort Collagen Workshop"

Inspired by the Herta Müller technique of “collage-poetic” writing, in this workshop, we will elevate word collages and writing with images into true poetic works of art – a combination of scissors and paper with profound meaning. We encounter words everywhere, and each one of them is capable of telling a whole story. We will cut out letters and words from newspapers, magazines, and advertising brochures together. With our life plans, experiences, and a feminist sense of design, we will set these fragments into new texts and compose captivating collages.

#Zine #Feminism #HertaMüller #Workshop #Collage #Workshop #Wien #Fabrikraum #DasGoldeneBuch #Fanzine #textcollage #Offspace #Vienna #Bezirkfestwochen

Limited number of participants/please register: hello@fabrikraum.org
The participation is free of charge, snacks & drinks will be provided.

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RAINBOW FASHION - liquid female* identities public textile dyeing workshop + interactive rainbow color painting & FanZine workshop/contribution by Rainbow Team, "Das Goldene Buch" - Feminist Collective Zine Launch Party, organized by Deniz Guvensoy & Sezer Dilan Zirhli, Caritas Brunnenpassage Vienna 2023

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Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung!


Johnstrasse 25-27 1150 Wien
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